Thursday, July 10, 2008

Web 2.0 tools

O.K. they told us a few weeks back, week 5, I think, that we could have fun.

Fun is good, so I figured let's have more of it

Thus, it was an easy choice looking at all these tools on Web 2.0 Awards. I chose to explore the one called FUN.

My choice was "One Sentence." These are supposed to be stories of everyday life told in one sentence only, and offered up as something that really happened to the commenter.

LOL with many of these "stories," although I have my doubts that all of them are fact and not fiction. Such as this one:

"As I dropped my spare change into his cup and heard a splash, I was horrified to realize he was not a homeless person begging for money but just a guy on the corner enjoying his coffee."


Great situation, but I'm asking myself if perhaps we have a little James Frey impersonation going on here.

I'm not sure how this tool might be used to better serve library patrons, but I can easily imagine how librarians could let off a lot of steam posting one-sentence stories about all the crazy stuff that goes on in their jobs.

Call if psychotherapy on the cheap.

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