Monday, June 16, 2008

Web 2.0: What it all means

Monty Python probably has the answer to this one. Imagine a roomful of Pythons furiously blogging...about anything and everything. Access to their posts would have to be seriously restricted, otherwise we'd never get any work done, we'd all be laughing so hard.

But I digress...

Actually, no.

I think the Pythons can be seen as something of a metaphor for Web 2.0: the Flying Circus Brits and their films can leave your jaw agape, astound you amaze you, etc. The Pythons offered a little something for everyone. So does Web 2.0; everything you can think of (and lots that you can't) can be found somewhere electronically.

Unfortunately, enjoying the Pythons or John Cleese as hotelier Basil Fawlty, requires only that you sit back and get ready to be vastly entertained. Web 2.0, on the other hand, requires all...this...clicking...and...typing. I envision the day we will be able to do all these things merely by speaking to the computer.

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