Monday, July 14, 2008

The End

We've reached the end, the final curtain.

Seems as though I've been doing this for months and months. I've typed and clicked...typed and clicked...shouldn't there be a novel in here somwhere?

Seriously, though, folks, I did learn a few things.

The RSS feeds are a great way to get news updates without all the annoying popups and menu distractions on the actual news sites. I'm going to be using these probably more than any other of the tools.

Another useful one is the wikis. I found is, where you simply ask a question (Who was George Washington?) and...voila...up pops the answer. No playing around with quote marks or guessing at keywords or whatever. Quite handy, that.

I found flickr and photobucket amusing, as well as some of the podcasts, like NPR.

Perhaps the biggest revelation for me is the sheer magnitude and variety of material available at present in cyberspace, as well as the astounding volume of social networking that is going on. (Where do folks get the time to do all that posting, especially the posting of stuff that would appear to be marginally interesting to anyone but themselves?)

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