Thursday, May 29, 2008

Feed the Beast

That's the operative phrase for White House political staffers. The meaning? Make sure the media have ample helpings of newsy "food" (read: junk food) to keep them sufficiently occupied that they--at least for part of a news cycle--are diverted from digging up any real dirt on the Administration.

But for our blogging purposes, we taylor this phrase for RSS and news feeds. As with the rest of this tech journey, I have had to rely on the generosity of the more tech-inclined at WEL in doing all this stuff. It seems like an awful lot of "clicks" to get where you need to be. But I have to admit it is satisfying when you get what you want accomplished.

The news feeds are perfect, even if I only get the "lead" (first paragraph) of a particular story. I get updates without all that pop-up clutter. Much easier on the eye.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

techie stuff

This learning business is coming in dribs and drabs. That's OK, although it's sometimes frustrating for a learner like myself who WANTS TO KNOW HOW IT ALL WORKS ...AND RIGHT NOW. So far, it's been a combination of playing around with all these possible blogger tools on my own, and asking coworkers who have already mastered a specific skill for help. I have to admit it's a small thrill when I try something and it actually works.

blogger hell?

Take a gander at this upcoming Sunday NYTimes Magazine piece. It chronicles the path one young woman took from unknown personal blogger to a professional blogger in NYC ( whose ruminations would attract comments by the hundreds. Sounds like rags to riches? It's a bit more complicated than that. -30-

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Today marks my first anniversary with PBCLS. I'm glad the probationary period is over...but where did the time go? It seems as though we just finished shelving for Opening Day. It's been quite an adventure for this bookie, beginning with the whirlwind of my rather unusal training regimen because WEL was closed: the weeks learning computer stuff and circ duties at the storage facility, MN and RPB. And how could I ever forget the first time I climbed aboard our majestic Bookmobile parked down the street? (hmmm, I thought, I didn't know I'd signed up for submarine duty) Next up: the challenge of discharging piles of material on a postage stamp-sized desk ...the kids who somehow managed to get the bus rocking back and forth...the patrons who had to be nearly forcibly ejected at closing hour...bathroom runs to the nearby community center. As the Chinese phrase puts it, I have been living during "interesting times" at the library the past 12 months. It was quite an apprenticeship. And I would not have made it to the other side without all the help I have gotten from all my coworkers at WEL and beyond. As I enter Year 2, kudos to all those who have been so generous in sharing their experience. -30-

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blogs & the library

One big-picture aspect of blogs is that they are all about putting together thoughts and ideas, and then sharing them with others. This could be beneficial in fostering greater communication and cooperation among library staff.

And keeping up with bloggers at other PBCLS branches--other library systems, as well--will probably generate more work-related ideas that might be useful for us.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

7.5 habits

Your first post should be on how you feel about the seven and 1/2 habits of highly successful learners from week 1; discuss what you feel will be the most difficult part for you and why

Did you say difficult?

hmm....a certified technophobe is asked to get out of his comfort zone and charge headlong into self-guided learning, a task he's not done before. So, yeah, we are most definitely talking "most difficult" here.

Not sure at this point just what I will need to place in my "toolbox," but I think this will fall into place as I continue this project. Working in a library, there will be no shortage of possible tools, and I am surrounded by helpful and knowledgeable coworkers.