Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Today marks my first anniversary with PBCLS. I'm glad the probationary period is over...but where did the time go? It seems as though we just finished shelving for Opening Day. It's been quite an adventure for this bookie, beginning with the whirlwind of my rather unusal training regimen because WEL was closed: the weeks learning computer stuff and circ duties at the storage facility, MN and RPB. And how could I ever forget the first time I climbed aboard our majestic Bookmobile parked down the street? (hmmm, I thought, I didn't know I'd signed up for submarine duty) Next up: the challenge of discharging piles of material on a postage stamp-sized desk ...the kids who somehow managed to get the bus rocking back and forth...the patrons who had to be nearly forcibly ejected at closing hour...bathroom runs to the nearby community center. As the Chinese phrase puts it, I have been living during "interesting times" at the library the past 12 months. It was quite an apprenticeship. And I would not have made it to the other side without all the help I have gotten from all my coworkers at WEL and beyond. As I enter Year 2, kudos to all those who have been so generous in sharing their experience. -30-

1 comment:

Zobe said...

I'd forgotten about the kids rocking the bus...and not in the musical sense either! God,I
hate that memory! Great descriptions of a very interesting time. Congratulations on getting through your first year in the PBC Library System.