Thursday, May 29, 2008

Feed the Beast

That's the operative phrase for White House political staffers. The meaning? Make sure the media have ample helpings of newsy "food" (read: junk food) to keep them sufficiently occupied that they--at least for part of a news cycle--are diverted from digging up any real dirt on the Administration.

But for our blogging purposes, we taylor this phrase for RSS and news feeds. As with the rest of this tech journey, I have had to rely on the generosity of the more tech-inclined at WEL in doing all this stuff. It seems like an awful lot of "clicks" to get where you need to be. But I have to admit it is satisfying when you get what you want accomplished.

The news feeds are perfect, even if I only get the "lead" (first paragraph) of a particular story. I get updates without all that pop-up clutter. Much easier on the eye.

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